Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Vote Barack Obama.... Don't be a retard IN 08

Get on board now, otherwise that stupid bitch Hillary who nobody trusted in 1992 will put in her woman vote for President. And it will all go to hell. Jeb Bush will toss his hat in the ring. So will Dick Cheney. And fuck them both. The only problem is that they will win over any woman president. As fucked up as the US is.... There's a time to call on a Bush, or a Cheney, or a dirt sniffing pig in both of them. And now what? Besides another Bush in Jeb, a President Cheney...or a Democrat President in H. Clinton, Al Gore, or some other drooling retard.... The Dems have lose to the Republicans handily ever since Nixon looked like a used car salesman in 62 and Kennedy looked like a movie star. How did that end up? Kennedy dead. And Nixon, like a snake would not give until he was President and forced out. A lifelong criminal. And so be it. Now the second greatest criminal since Nixon is in office. Actually a worse one. He had Hussein hanged, Hussein's brother decapitated. And Bush still spends most his time in Texas. Unfortunate for him. The Americans are getting their asses kicked in Iraq. And if the tide really swings. he might be the next to have the floor kicked out of him before he finishes his prayer. Only his daughters wouldn't have been murdered 2 years earlier, and his brother ub Jeb wouldn't face the same fate weeks latrer - with Jeb's head ripping off and shown to journalists 7 meters from his head. Who cares right? Bush is white. All those hung are crazy fuckers from the middle east. Where's Osama Bin Laden? Who cares?

Barack Obama would find him. And be more likely to negotiate a treaty with Osama, then solve the genocide in Darfur. All in one week. Then after his inaugeration - he'd just give the green light for the Palestine to bomb the fuck out of Israel. He'd deprt mel Gibson. Make the ghost of Malcolm X his Secretary of State (By All Means Necessary).... Take all troops out of Iraq. Make Putin his best friend


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