5 Biggest Douchbags covering the NHL
5. Don Taylor - Sportsnet News - This idiot who covers the highlights of the NHL nightly on Sportsnet, decided to make his trademark to be looking and sounding like a retard. Every highlight he calls goes a little like "E fays e shuuuu e.... gores". He attempts to mock announcers of games, which may have been humourous the first time, but instead he does it EVERY time, and it's become less and less of mocking, to more of a retard grunt through entire highlights. He has the face of a muppet, and every attempt he has of being funny backfires.
4. Nick Kypreos - HockeyCentral - A mediocre player who fought middleweights is somehow an expert on all things hockey. Every prediction he makes around playoff time is dead wrong, everything he says is dead wrong - but he yells it at people like he has a point. The arrogance of someone who so off the mark is incredible. He's always praising tough players and acting like he would have done exactly what they did, yet everyone that remembers him playing knows he was a fucking coward, who did nothing but take cheap shots he condemns.
3. Darren Dreger - NHL on TSN - He's decently intelligent, he makes good comments, but the way he is more robotic than Al Gore drives me nuts. There's something plastic and entirely fake about the way he says what he does. Also, who the hell is he to take away from Bob McKenzie's role as the exclusive TSN Hockey Insider? Bob is a legend.
2. Glenn Healy - NHL on TSN - He served as Brian Burke's whipping boy during the lockout, and got his ass kicked in every debate he had sticking up for the NHLPA. Burke of course was right, and Healy was wrong - the NHL is better for the outcome. Where is Brian Burke now? Where is Healy, oh yeah, still serving on the panels, with NO sense of humour about himself at all. You can always see when James Duthie makes a crack about Healy, how Healy takes himself so seriously it makes him boil. Always bringing up his Stanley Cup, and how his Rangers won the Cup in 94. Well Healy - keep in mind you didn't play a single fucking moment of that playoff run. YOU WERE A GOD DAMN BACKUP GOALIE. I did as much as Healy did that postseason, so did you. Nothing. Where's our rings?
1. Michael Landsberg - Off the Record - Here's the show formula.... Wear a skin tight shirt, do your Up Front with a Leaf/Argo, then make the panel argue forever all season long about the Senators and the Maple Leafs. Be completely biased towards Toronto, praise all things Leafs, jump on all negative things Senators. Have a panel of distinguished athletes/celebrities, but only answer emails from viewers about yourself. Then do a "Next Question" asking stupid things like "Jessica Simpson or Ashlee Simpson?" Always have a smug look on your face. There is nothing likeable about this chump.