Hatred runs wild on Rory Fitzpatrick
Since the Associated Press has run their story about the Vote For Rory campaign, all of a sudden the pundits covering the NHL have picked up on it. (Minus Michael Landsberg, he's always more focused on how tight his shirt is, or like today "What's wrong with the Leafs, let me ask you - random Toronto Argonaut")....
Beside that, it's been run in every major Canadian newpaper today of the number of votes Rory Fitzpatrick has gathered, and if he will make the Allstar game.
The Score - Steve Ludzik says "No." A surprise from the one guy that usually speaks of all the toilers to make it to the NHL. Either Ludzik was out in the dark before this got to his ear piece, or he well, was caught off guard again... For a former player that always brags about how the regular player that toils in the minors and the NHL - he suddenly turned his back on this recognition for that type of player. The question boils to if he actually understands the reason, or if he was just caught off guard "What? Fitzpatrick in the All Star game? No.... of course not".
Team 1040 VAN/ Sportsnet News - Don Taylor - who I've mentioned before as being a complete moron, and one of Canada's worst sports broadcasters. Even though he uses most of his air time on TV to grunt and moan for his commentaries of game highlights, he figures Rory Fitzpatrick is a joke. Then he spends most his time talking about it, interviewing Rory, and Steve Schmid about it.
Sportsnet - Ray Ferraro - just bitter he never made it, and cutting it down. There's only one Ray Ferraro, and 100,000 hits to www.voteforrory.com
Sorry Ray, you're as relevant as ever.
The disconnect of pundits, the NHL, from the fans and even the players that have supported this is amazing. it becomes more obvious every day that these radio or TV personalities don't do any research before they get on the air. They just decide to read NHL press releases and leave it at that.
The media is so far disconnected from fans, the Rory Fitzpatrick campaign, that was intended to prove the flaw in the NHL's voting system - has exposed a lot more in the process. The fact that sports, and NHL media only write things when the Associated Press sends out their mass stories. The fact that the media will take on a three week old story, and always use their "negative campaigns" trying to boost ratings.....
Rory gained 110,000 votes in 7 days. That's a fact. It's not a few random people trying to make a joke in their basements like the media tends to believe.
What's been shown is that the media on TV, radio and even the internet are that much slower and uninformed than your regular fan. This would never happen in the NFL, NBA, or MLB.
Regardless, their misunderstanding is our gain. Step up and prove them wrong.
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